Brave New Earth
This is a 24 month in person (or online) training program in practical earth based spirituality and empowerment. Meeting the self like never before, and consciously engaging with the planet as a parental metaphor - leaving the old, embracing the new.
Study this program either as a private student 'at your own pace' or as part of a small interactive group.
Amount - R1500 p.m. - aiming for 4 classes per month & interactive chat / support between.
First session on 7 July 2023 (Full Moon).
Enroll soonest.
Contact details: Frans Hills/Elaine Hunt
[email protected] 0727407355
[email protected] 0716894823
Contact either of us with any questions and a meet up. We will also put you in touch with current or previous students, as part of the interview process.
First year:
* Medicine wheel.
* Vision quest & prayer.
* Four bodies.
* Chakra system.
* Elements & alchemy.
* Meditation.
* Intuition.
* Embodiment - yoga.
* Body language & edges.
* Inner & outer ecology.
* Essence qualities.
* In the kitchen - food.
* Creating new habits.
* Standing tall & breath work
* Art of Dreaming.
* Story telling.
* Sweat lodge & clearing space.
* Man with heart.
* Wild woman power.
* Sacred union.
* World Tree & journeying.
* Vagus nerve & tension.
* Scanning psychic imprints.
* Energetic surgery.
* Soul loss & retrieval.
* Surrender gracefully.
* Communication skills.
* Freedom & commitment.
* Feelings & needs.
* Making courageous requests.
* Freedom from entanglements.
* Nurturing self & the planet.
* Empowering self & others.
* Systemic field work.
* Family constellation basics.
* Ancestors & DNA.
The Second year:
* Clay & herbs ( basics & attitude )
* Simple ceremony & ritual.
* Integrated family & nature constellation.
* Animal, nature and plant communications.
* Judaic faiths.
This is a two year shamanic facilitation program in indigenous wisdom traditions, practical shamanic tools and applications. Inner and outer ecology looks at some of the impact we having as a species on the planet from an indigenous perspective, which has always had more of an inner landscape focus - impacting and being impacted. We examine together what personal inner changes need to take place in order to best affect the outer world. A lot of this is process work, using ritual and ceremony to alignment and clarify self - parallel to earth's cycles and ease.
About us:
Frans: I am a qualified minister at Church of the Earth and studied full time shamanic studies with Rev. Robin Youngblood and traditional African medicine teachers for the past decade plus. I am also a qualified coach, yoga teacher, family constellation facilitator, masseur, energy healer and artist.
Elaine: I am a Shamanic facilitator, massage therapist, artist, art coach, energy healer, applied psychologist and counselor…all of these skills and more, I use as a mother too!! I'm passionate about seeing people heal and grow into their own uniqueness and giftedness.
We are both passionate about being adventurous, real, honest and connected to nature, with a down to earth based spirituality, good old fashioned common sense - while daring the new. Lets co-create the new with solid foundations!
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This is a 24 month in person (or online) training program in practical earth based spirituality and empowerment. Meeting the self like never before, and consciously engaging with the planet as a parental metaphor - leaving the old, embracing the new.
Study this program either as a private student 'at your own pace' or as part of a small interactive group.
Amount - R1500 p.m. - aiming for 4 classes per month & interactive chat / support between.
First session on 7 July 2023 (Full Moon).
Enroll soonest.
Contact details: Frans Hills/Elaine Hunt
[email protected] 0727407355
[email protected] 0716894823
Contact either of us with any questions and a meet up. We will also put you in touch with current or previous students, as part of the interview process.
First year:
* Medicine wheel.
* Vision quest & prayer.
* Four bodies.
* Chakra system.
* Elements & alchemy.
* Meditation.
* Intuition.
* Embodiment - yoga.
* Body language & edges.
* Inner & outer ecology.
* Essence qualities.
* In the kitchen - food.
* Creating new habits.
* Standing tall & breath work
* Art of Dreaming.
* Story telling.
* Sweat lodge & clearing space.
* Man with heart.
* Wild woman power.
* Sacred union.
* World Tree & journeying.
* Vagus nerve & tension.
* Scanning psychic imprints.
* Energetic surgery.
* Soul loss & retrieval.
* Surrender gracefully.
* Communication skills.
* Freedom & commitment.
* Feelings & needs.
* Making courageous requests.
* Freedom from entanglements.
* Nurturing self & the planet.
* Empowering self & others.
* Systemic field work.
* Family constellation basics.
* Ancestors & DNA.
The Second year:
* Clay & herbs ( basics & attitude )
* Simple ceremony & ritual.
* Integrated family & nature constellation.
* Animal, nature and plant communications.
* Judaic faiths.
This is a two year shamanic facilitation program in indigenous wisdom traditions, practical shamanic tools and applications. Inner and outer ecology looks at some of the impact we having as a species on the planet from an indigenous perspective, which has always had more of an inner landscape focus - impacting and being impacted. We examine together what personal inner changes need to take place in order to best affect the outer world. A lot of this is process work, using ritual and ceremony to alignment and clarify self - parallel to earth's cycles and ease.
About us:
Frans: I am a qualified minister at Church of the Earth and studied full time shamanic studies with Rev. Robin Youngblood and traditional African medicine teachers for the past decade plus. I am also a qualified coach, yoga teacher, family constellation facilitator, masseur, energy healer and artist.
Elaine: I am a Shamanic facilitator, massage therapist, artist, art coach, energy healer, applied psychologist and counselor…all of these skills and more, I use as a mother too!! I'm passionate about seeing people heal and grow into their own uniqueness and giftedness.
We are both passionate about being adventurous, real, honest and connected to nature, with a down to earth based spirituality, good old fashioned common sense - while daring the new. Lets co-create the new with solid foundations!
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Amount - R1500 p.m - Aiming for 4 classes per month & interactive chat/support between.
First session in July ( Full Moon ).
Enroll soonest.
First session in July ( Full Moon ).
Enroll soonest.